Flutter Page curl effect like epub reader


Flutter Page curl effect like epub reader

If you want to implement a page-turning effect for a reader in Flutter, you typically overlay a view that performs the page-turn animation on a container. When a left or right swipe gesture is detected, the view with the page-turn animation is displayed. After the page-turn animation ends, the content of the underlying container is changed to achieve the page-turn effect.


How To

1.First, you need to write a page-turn animation or find an existing algorithm that implements it. I found a Flutter effect: https://github.com/Rahiche/riveo_page_curl. This library is based on Flutter’s shader implementation, which offers better performance. You can refer to the ProjectCard class in this library for implementation. The core code is as follows:

  (context, shader, _) {
    return AnimatedSampler(
      (image, size, canvas) async {
        // print("AnimatedSampler");
        if (backImage != null) {
          ShaderHelper.drawShaderRectBack(backImage!, size, canvas);
        if (curlImage != null) {
              shader, size, curlImage!, _animation.value);
          ShaderHelper.drawShaderRect(shader, size, canvas);
      enabled: true,
      child: Container(
        width: double.infinity,
        height: double.infinity,
  assetKey: shaderAssetKey,

backImage is used to draw the background image for the page turn, while curlImage is used to draw the image of the current page during the page turn.

2.Use the Stack widget to implement the display of the pages.

      children: [
          builder: (context, PageCurlController controller, child) {
            return Screenshot(
              controller: prevScreenshotController,
              child: getPage(controller.index - 1),

          builder: (context, PageCurlController controller, child) {
            return Screenshot(
              controller: nextScreenshotController,
              child: getPage(controller.index + 1),
          builder: (context, PageCurlController controller, child) {
            return Screenshot(
              controller: currentScreenshotController,
              child: getPage(controller.index),
            animation: _animation,
            builder: (BuildContext context, Widget? child) {
              return Opacity(
                  opacity: runState == RunState.none ? 0 : 1,
                  child: _buildAnimatedCard(context));


The Stack have four child widgets: the previous page, the next page, the current page, and the page-turn animation widget. Use the Screenshot widget to capturing screenshots, we capture the screenshots of the previous page, next page, and current page. During the swipe gesture, based on whether the swipe is left or right, we obtain backImage and curlImage to achieve the page-turn effect.

void _getRightImage() async {
  curlImage = null;
  backImage = null;
  curlImage = await prevScreenshotController.captureAsUiImage(
      pixelRatio: MediaQuery.of(context).devicePixelRatio);
  backImage = await currentScreenshotController.captureAsUiImage(
      pixelRatio: MediaQuery.of(context).devicePixelRatio);

void _getLeftImage() async {
  curlImage = null;
  backImage = null;
  curlImage = await currentScreenshotController.captureAsUiImage(
      pixelRatio: MediaQuery.of(context).devicePixelRatio);
  backImage = await nextScreenshotController.captureAsUiImage(
      pixelRatio: MediaQuery.of(context).devicePixelRatio);

3.Handle gestures. Handle the page-turn animation.